
Showing posts from September, 2018

Blue Collar Dining Deathmatch: Golden Corral vs Sizzler

In a quirk of fate, I happen to live within a mile of both a Sizzler and a Golden Corral . I've driven past the former hundreds of times in the three-plus years since I moved to Murrieta, California (City motto: " What was that loud boom? ") and the latter opened about a year ago, much to the excitement of the local social media community groups. Up until a couple weeks ago, I'd never set foot in either. Say what you will about the Temecula Valley in general and Murrieta in particular, but you can't claim there aren't plenty of interesting places to eat, so neither of these two chain restaurants held any appeal as anything other than a punchline. Recently, though, spurred by semi-fond memories of Sizzler back when I was in my 20's, on a tight budget, and without a way to cook for myself, combined with my girlfriend's new keto diet, I thought I'd give these two popular, populist restaurant chains a visit. Here's how it went down: Golden Co