
Showing posts from November, 2018

Why Do People Love The Cheesecake Factory?

This is NOT a good thing... So, my local Facebook "community talk" groups have been clogged the last few days with one post after another asking the same question: "When is the new Cheescake Factory going to open?" People are treating this event with the same crazed enthusiasm that went along with our bucolic little valley getting its first Golden Corral buffet restaurant (and the same total lack of the ability to search to see if the question has already been asked and answered dozens of times.) For a chain restaurant to inspire this kind of foaming expectation, they must be doing something right. Viewed objectively, it's a little hard to pinpoint what makes them successful. First of all, the Factory takes pride in their enormous, encyclopedic menu that encompasses more than 250 items at any given time. They make a big deal about the fact that their dishes are cooked (mostly) from scratch, but let's face it - it's impossible to have Thai lettuce