
Showing posts from October, 2018

Pizza Crunch - An Answer to a Question Nobody Asked

Scotland has a complicated relationship with food. They've given the world haggis, Gordon Ramsey, and Scotch whisky, so it's hard to really classify their national contribution to cuisine in terms of friend or foe. But as a culture with a legendary reputation (deserved or not) for 1) enjoying a wee dram, and 2) being willing to eat just about anything, I guess it shouldn't be a surprise that one of the world's greatest "I'd have to be super-drunk to eat that" foods, the so-called Pizza Crunch, is popular in the UK's hat.  In the video we bring to you today, we see the process of making a Pizza Crunch from start to finish, and unless you already have a cocktail or two under your belt, it's unsettling. It begins with removing a small, frozen pizza (in this case, apparently plain cheese) from the freezer, and without even taking it out of the plastic bag, portioning it into two halves.  Dude, seriously. I know it's a crappy Zyliss serrat

Fast Food Deathmatch: Del Taco vs Jack in the Box

There's a saying - "Never order a taco at a burger place, and never order a burger at a taco place..." While the general idea is sound in that you probably shouldn't expect a restaurant that specializes in one kind of food to do a good job with a very different style of cuisine, is it always true that you should forgo cross-cultural menu items? Recently, National Cheeseburger Day and Taco Tuesday fell on the same date, so I thought I would take on this timeless question. Can a burger place make a good taco? Can a taco place make a good burger? To find the answer, we're going to look at two popular semi-nationwide fast food chains that offer both. In the "Mexican" corner (and I use that term loosely) we have Del Taco . Founded in 1964 in the thriving metropolis of Yermo, California (a former wide spot in the road between Los Angeles and Las Vegas that more or less evaporated when it was bypassed by the I-15 in 1968), the chain metastasized beyond its